The Spring of Fays

The Spring of Fays is the only one survived among the six Poggibonsi’s springs.
It was built in the thirteenth century and was covered in the fifteenth one, while the construction of the Medici's Fortress of Poggio Imperiale was carried on, but it was discovered just in 1803, during the realization of a vineyard in the area.
Following the most accurate theory, the artwork is attributed to Bulgano da Crema, a Lombard architect of the thirteenth century, whose name was given to the street that links this magical place with the city centre.
Built in travertine, the fountain has six pointed arches, supported by massive pillars, where smaller arches were put to make easier the water drainage from the above hill, and overlooks a wide square where a drinking trough for animas was placed.
Its name, given by the popular traditon, is referred to ancient beliefs according to which waters, springs and marshes where places protected by weird creatures. In Etruschans’ times we talk about “Lasa”, beings similar to nymphes; later, the name “fays” is used, figures probably inspired to the image of ladies, who protect spings, deemed good waters.
On the contrary, evil witches lived close to bad waters, identified with marshes.
The Spring of Fays hosts a contemporary artwork created by Mimmo Paladino in 1998, “I Dormienti”.

Via Fortezza Medicea - Poggibonsi (SI)